A large percentage of skilled dental professionals lack the tools and comfort level required to market themselves and their dental implant practices effectively As a consequence, these dental professionals miss several opportunities to help patients and grow their business. Even those who recognize the need for marketing often don’t have the experience or training to do so effectively. Marketing Implant Dentistry meets this need by giving dentists the tools to better market and promote their practices and to gain case acceptance.
Marketing Implant Dentistry presents proven approaches for attracting dental implant patients and demonstrates the use of successful communication skills, including verbal and visual aids. This book details multiple examples of patient friendly and professional letters for use in targeting both new implant patients and professional referral sources. Readers will learn the benefits of adopting non-traditional approaches such as hosting patient education seminars, as well as cultivating professional relationships with the medical community (physicians) for the purposes of generating untapped referral relationships. Best practices in internet and social media marketing, specific to implant dentistry, are also demonstrated so practices can make the most out of these low-cost opportunities.
For example, I had a new patient seeking to have temporary dentures replaced. My office manager informed me the patient didn't seem like they had much money or any interest other than just having new dentures made, and it would likely be a quick consultation. They had extensive resorption of the mandibular ridge and other conditions that would make it impossible for a conventional mandibular denture to be stable. After approaching the conversation in a more tactful and empathetic manner while speaking the patient's language of being frustrated with a floating denture, the patient enthusiastically accepted an implant-based treatment plan. This first consultation appointment was at the beginning of the month, and implant surgery is scheduled before the end of the month. Not only will this patient ultimately be happier with their new prosthesis, but they will also be enabled to live a healthier life. This is just one case of several cases we have treatment planned with patient acceptance in the last month alone.
If you are seeking to grow the dental implant side of your practice, this book is a must-read.
As Marketing Manager for a large dental practice, I literally coached my dentist with points from Marcus' book prior to a public information session, and even bought the food he recommends and we made appointments with 100% of those in attendance.
Great advice! If you read this book and apply his easy steps to your practice, you will put money in your pocket and help people smile more!
Must have for a successful implant practice!