This course is specifically designed for dentists and dental students looking to master Rubber Dam isolation, a critical component in adhesive dentistry. Rubber Dams are essential for achieving optimal moisture control and also perfect access, which is fundamental for successful adhesive procedures.
The course begins by detailing the various instruments involved in Rubber Dam application. You will learn about the forceps, punches, frames, and templates. Additionally, the course includes multiple videos on selecting and applying the correct clamps and making your own set of clamps, ensuring you have a thorough understanding of the tools at your disposal.
In the subsequent section, the course covers basic techniques essential for daily isolation. Instructions on making a ligature, and performing techniques such as the split dam, altogether technique, rubber first, and clamp first techniques are included. These foundational skills are crucial for effective isolation.
The course then progresses to advanced techniques, which are vital for specific dental procedures. These include isolating for class V restorations, crown cementation, handling the distal of the last tooth in the jaw, and managing cases involving a bridge or a quadrant with a missing tooth.
The final segment of the course addresses common mistakes made during Rubber Dam application and provides strategies to avoid these errors. To support practical learning, printable templates for adults, pediatric cases, and the Pac Dam are provided.
By the end of this course, dentists will possess the comprehensive skills needed to progress from novice to expert in Rubber Dam application, significantly enhancing their capabilities in adhesive dentistry.
Who this course is for:
- This course is ideal for dental students and dentists eager to master Rubber Dam application and enhance their skills in adhesive dentistry.
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